Environmental plan for lithium battery workshop
Product Plan Overview

In lithium battery manufacturing process, the use of rotary dehumidifier is very important.

Humidity environment requirements for lithium batteries

Generally, the production workshops for lithium battery manufacturing are equipped with drying rooms and clean rooms due to the control requirements of moisture in the air.

In the manufacturing process of the rear section of most lithium batteries, a drying room is required, and the indoor air dew point is - 30 ℃ dp to - 55 ℃ dp or lower.

In consideration of personnel entering and leaving the drying room, even if there is a buffer in the transition room, there may still be slight potential penetration. In addition, the humidity level of dehumidified dry air may require a dew point temperature of - 50 ℃ dp to - 70 ℃ dp.

Therefore, normal production is generally set in a dry room, where the dew point temperature is generally controlled at a very low humidity level. This is critical to the safety of employees and property.

The focus and difficulties of the plan

Lithium Metal Properties Lithium metal, the lightest alkali metal element, is also a metal with strong metal activity. It can react violently with water to generate H2, and the reaction gives off a lot of heat. If the temperature is too high, it is very easy to explode. Not only the wet environment will cause the above problems of lithium batteries, but also the relative humidity of normal atmosphere will cause quality problems in the manufacturing process of lithium batteries.

Environmental plan for lithium battery workshop

In lithium battery manufacturing process, the use of rotary dehumidifier is very important.

Humidity environment requirements for lithium batteries

Generally, the production workshops for lithium battery manufacturing are equipped with drying rooms and clean rooms due to the control requirements of moisture in the air.

In the manufacturing process of the rear section of most lithium batteries, a drying room is required, and the indoor air dew point is - 30 ℃ dp to - 55 ℃ dp or lower.

In consideration of personnel entering and leaving the drying room, even if there is a buffer in the transition room, there may still be slight potential penetration. In addition, the humidity level of dehumidified dry air may require a dew point temperature of - 50 ℃ dp to - 70 ℃ dp.

Therefore, normal production is generally set in a dry room, where the dew point temperature is generally controlled at a very low humidity level. This is critical to the safety of employees and property.


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